¿Fertilizer liquid or powder?

The basic difference between a liquid fertilizer and one powder is that the powder fertilizer, once dissolved is "fresh", while a liquid fertilizer prepared can take years. In a powdered fertilizer, the nutrients are in the exact proportion indicated in their composition. In liquid fertilizers, often crystallize components, greatly varying the proportion of dissolved nutrients. In cases of accident and spill, recover any fertilizer pellet surface is much easier than trying to recover spilled liquid, and when dosing is safer and cleaner handle powder fertilizer with a measuring spoon to try dosing cups liquid meters.
Fertilizing, continous or periodic?

Tahtso balanced formula allows the use in watering and foliar. In either case the fertilizing may be periodic or continuous based on your growing system.
Periodic means that we alternate fertilizing with watering, fertilizing only every second watering, in this case the recommended dosage is 1 gram per liter of water.
Continuous means fertilizing in each watering, the ratio of fertilizer must be reduced to an amount between 0.5 and 0.1 grams per liter, watering as orchids needed.
Periodic means that we alternate fertilizing with watering, fertilizing only every second watering, in this case the recommended dosage is 1 gram per liter of water.
Continuous means fertilizing in each watering, the ratio of fertilizer must be reduced to an amount between 0.5 and 0.1 grams per liter, watering as orchids needed.
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